2025 Education Grants now open

Nau mai - Haere mai e te whanau


“Toi ki Runga,Toi ki Raro, Te wharua o Toi Kairakau e Mihi atu nei Kia Koe”

“Tena Koe”

Ko Toi Te Matua 
Ko Taotao-ki-te-kapua te tipuna
Ko Tuwatawata te maunga
Ko Whirinaki te awa
Ko Wharepakau te tangata 
Ko Ngati Whare te iwi. 
Tihei Mauri Ora!



To secure financial sustainability and capability for Te Whaiti nui a Toi whānau


To connect Te Whaiti nui a Toi whānau with the whenua


For those who were.
For those who are.
For those yet to come.